速報APP / 教育 / GPA Calculator (College and High School)

GPA Calculator (College and High School)





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



GPA Calculator (College and High School)(圖1)-速報App

This app is designed for students who are high schools or colleges students to help them calculate their GPA.

GPA Calculator (College and High School)(圖2)-速報App

For college students: You can calculate your overall GPA which include your previous GPA and credits you have completed, and it will show you term GPA as well.

GPA Calculator (College and High School)(圖3)-速報App

For High School students: You can calculate your overall GPA which include your previous GPA and number of classes you have completed, and it will show you term GPA as well. You can also pick Regular, Honors, and AP option. The honors class will have additional 0.5 GPA; the AP class will have additional 1.0 GPA.

GPA Calculator (College and High School)(圖4)-速報App

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